x60,000 Coins


Package Description

🪙 x28,000 Coins 

🌍 Coins are a GLOBAL CURRENCY, synced between all Vanilla Servers


Can be redeemed in-game for the following (/coinshop)

- Premium Ranks
- Crate Keys
- Claim Blocks
- Sell Wands
- Particles
- Chat Tags
- Chat Colors
- Emotes
- Pets
- Player Warps
- Ingame Flight
- Player Glows


Price Per Coin Depending On Package 

x1,100 coins - Cost per coin: $0.00454 USD

x2,700 coins - Cost per coin: $0.0037037 USD

x6,000 coins - Cost per coin: $0.0033317 USD

x13,500 coins - Cost per coin: $0.0029622 USD

x28,000 coins - Cost per coin: $0.0024996 USD

x60,000 coins - Cost per coin: $0.0016665 USD ⬅️ You are currently viewing this package.


Purchase is non-refundable, and does not carry through server resets.